Saturday, January 2, 2016


  Get your Checkup on Genetic memory awakening: Do you BELIEVE that you are one belonging to Messiah Yeshua first, then to Israel, then to one of the twelve tribes?
Check out this pop quiz from : Alex C. Perdomo MD, Georgina Chan Perdomo MD

1)            "Do you believe that Messiah Yeshua is the Savior of the World and have you submitted to His lordship under the light of  the Word of YHVH?
2)            Do you believe that you are a physical descendant of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?
3)            If your answer to question (2) was no, do you believe that in some manner by faith in Messiah Yeshua you have become Abraham’s seed? (Gal 3:16)
4)            Regarding the present division of Israel, do you feel that you are from the stick of Judah and his companions of Israel, or  from the stick of Joseph which is in the hands of Ephraim and his companions of Israel?
5)            If you had to pick a tribal gate of the original twelve tribes to enter into the New Jerusalem, which one would you pick? You can see the characteristics of the twelve tribes in the Bible when you read the blessings given to the twelve tribes by Jacob in Genesis 48-49 and Moses in Deuteronomy 33.
We should be able to see in our lives the same blessings to distinguish us for each tribe. The gifts of the Lord are irrevocable and pass down to future generations, contingent  on obedience to The Word of God, which is the Bible.
“For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable” (Romans 11:29).
“And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the Lord your God” (Deuteronomy 28:2).
Check the archives for articles that will give you more information about DNA and the 12 Tribes of Israel! You will also find instructions on how to order the  Y-37 DNA Test.
We welcome you to this project. Happy Tribe hunting!
Alex C. Perdomo MD
Georgina Chan Perdomo MD"

"Is it possible that the Word of YHVH was imprinted in our DNA, in our genes at that time, and were passed down from generation to generation?
Fear makes a memory to be recorded faster and to last longer in our brains. The thunder, smoking and lightning was a pretty scary scene for the Israelites, to the point that they ask Moses to be the intermediary between them and YHVH, so they will not die.
Moses told our ancestors not to fear that YHVH would want to hurt us, but to have the proper fear of reverence and awe for Who He is and what He does, to help us remember and not sin.
Exodus 20:20 NKJ –And Moses said to the people, “Do not fear; for God has come to test you, and that His fear may be before you, so that you may not sin.”
Could it be that we recognize the voice of Y’shua, when we hear others preach the Word of YHVH, because we carry a memory of the Bible in our genes from our ancestors that were in Horeb?"

"In Genetic Memory Part II, we saw that after many generations, the 10 northern tribes were scattered throughout the world without knowledge of who they were. At some point, one generation would arise where the dormant memories stored in their genes for many generations would suddenly turn on, and they would:
1) Hear the Word of God and become Biblical Christians;
2) REMEMBER who their ancestors are; and
3) Return to Haaretz (The Land of Israel).
The trigger that the Lord uses to turn on that genetic memory is usually the Word of God (the voice of Yeshua); but other times the trigger for that ancient memory may be the Torah, the land of Israel, the love for the Jews, the Hebrew language, the shofar, the music, the dances, the Feasts of the Lord or even Shabbat."


Source:   "The Shuffling of the Twelve Tribes of Israel
Two thousand years ago, when Messiah Yeshua walked the Land of Israel, the identification of the tribes became even more difficult. Many of them had to make a choice between believing that Yeshua of Nazareth was the promised Messiah or that he was not. By the year 100 A.D. we have left only three recognizable groups from the 12 Tribes of Israel:
1) Jews
2) Christians
3) Gentiles (waiting to be Christians, believers?)
The three groups have something in common. Except for some of the tribe of Judah, Levi and the sub-group the Kohanim, who never forgot their tribal identity, the others do not know to which of the twelve tribes of Israel they belong. Thanks to the tribes of Judah, the Levis and Kohanim keeping their identity, we know today what their Y-chromosome in general looks like. Also, many other descendants of Judah, Levi and Kohanim that were hidden in Christianity in the past are able to now, in 2011, identify their tribe by DNA testing… Praise YHVH!"


                 DNA ~ AND ~ DAN 


Q: Is DNA in the Bible? 







Cool Tools:

Haplogroup Predictor



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